
Specializing in the R&D, production, and sales of pine chemicals
Company News Industry News Information Publicity
Business Ethics and Code of Conduct

1. Introduction

The Code of Business Ethics and Conduct is the professional ethics code of Komo Company, which is formulated based on the company's core values of "integrity, innovation, focus, and excellence", and complies with the company's sustainable business principles and the laws and regulations of the company's operating location. This code of conduct outlines the company's business ethics policy and code of conduct for all employees to abide by. Employee misconduct may seriously damage the company's reputation. All employees should understand the policies outlined in this code of conduct. Any violation of these guidelines and policies will be deemed non compliant with the company's business ethics and will result in corresponding disciplinary action by the company, including but not limited to termination of employment.

2. Comply with domestic and international laws and regulations

We comply with all applicable domestic and international laws and regulations.

We comply with all anti bribery laws, regulations, and conventions applicable to our company worldwide, and prohibit bribery and corrupt practices for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business, obtaining any other improper benefits.

3. Respect and promote human rights

We respect every employee and provide equal opportunities for personal growth and career development, without discrimination based on gender, age, race, ethnicity, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, political party background, marital status, economic status or position.

We promise to prohibit the use of child labor and forced labor in the supply chain. The company respects the wishes of its employees in terms of working hours and prohibits forced labor. The company also does not use forced labor products.

We protect the freedom of association and collective bargaining rights of employees.

4. Require oneself with a high level of professional ethics standards

We operate with a high level of professionalism and integrity, and adhere to high levels of professional ethics and legal standards.

We are committed to establishing fair, responsible, and mutually beneficial partnerships.

We strive to maintain accurate and complete internal records and issue accurate and transparent external reports.

5. Respect the environment

We minimize the impact of operations on the environment, conduct responsible procurement, and make every effort to efficiently utilize resources.

We comply with environmental laws and regulations and strive to exceed the standards required by such laws and regulations.

We fully cooperate with various environmental investigations or monitoring, and publicly and truthfully report our environmental performance.

We will control emissions to soil, water sources, and air within allowable levels and reduce the environmental impact of our products throughout their entire lifecycle.

6. Committed to creating a safe, healthy, and fair working environment for employees

We provide necessary safety training before work, and in case of danger or violation of safety regulations by others, we will assist or prevent them.

We follow local health and safety laws and regulations to ensure the safety of our employees, and when conditions permit, we implement standards higher than those required by such laws and regulations.

We encourage employees to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life, and prohibit any physical, psychological, or sexual abuse, coercion, or harassment at work.

7. Be an excellent corporate citizen

We value the community we live in and are good to our neighbors and companions.

No matter where in the world, we respect the culture, customs, and values of local people and society.

We actively promote the social and economic development of our local community and make every effort to reduce the negative impact of our operations.

We actively listen to and value the opinions of local people, and encourage our employees to actively participate in community activities.

8. Anti corruption, anti bribery, and anti money laundering activities

Corruption and bribery may seriously damage the reputation of the company, seriously affect our business success, and both the company and individuals may face serious penalties. Any employee of the company shall not directly or indirectly give, offer, promise to give or accept bribery or corrupt behavior in any form or for any reason, and shall not approve any such behavior. Never give up integrity for the sake of achieving results. The senior management of the company will fully support employees or representatives who refuse improper payments, even if they face the consequences of losing business opportunities.

The company prohibits indirect bribery and corruption, and prohibits giving, offering, or promising bribes through third parties such as agents, joint venture partners, lawyers, tax agents, freight forwarding companies, customs brokers, etc. We will strictly select and monitor third parties representing the company, and cannot turn a blind eye to illegal behavior when third parties provide services to the company.

The company prohibits money laundering and any activities that promote money laundering, terrorist financing, or criminal activities. We clearly recognize that money laundering has serious social harm. It not only damages the security of the financial system and the reputation of financial institutions, but also has a great destructive effect on the normal economic order and social stability of our country. The company will adhere to anti money laundering in accordance with applicable laws (the Anti Money Laundering Law of the People's Republic of China, the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Laws in the Trial of Criminal Cases such as Money Laundering, and the Cooperation Regulations between the Ministry of Public Security and the People's Bank of China on the Verification of Suspicious Transaction Clues), and require the company's executives to Employees and partners (including securities companies, cooperative banks, etc.) comply with the code of conduct to prevent the use of company products and services for money laundering purposes.

We prohibit employees from working with any current or potential business partners or suppliers.

We respect employee privacy and usually do not interfere with their personal behavior unrelated to work. If an employee's close relatives have interests that may affect their performance of duties in the company, there will be a conflict of interest between the employee and the company. Employees must avoid such substantive conflicts of interest and have a responsibility to ensure that they and their close relatives do not obtain any improper benefits from the company.

9. Preventing conflicts of interest

We ensure that the company's business is not affected by any personal interests or relationships.

We ensure reimbursement of official travel and accommodation expenses for employees, and strictly prohibit employees from giving or accepting gifts, entertainment, or hospitality beyond reasonable limits from customers.

We prohibit employees from using their positions for personal gain.

10. Information security, protection of tangible and intangible assets of the company (including intellectual property, confidential information)

We protect the security of confidential and proprietary information of the company and only disclose such information to external personnel after they have been approved to sign a confidentiality agreement.

We take all reasonable measures to protect our computer system and ensure the security and timeliness of passwords.

We value innovation and protect our company's intellectual property.

We ensure that the tangible and intangible assets of the company belong to the company, and are not owned by any individual, regardless of their position.

The growth of the company requires continuous technological innovation. Technological innovation plays a crucial role in improving products, increasing revenue, and reducing costs, and is crucial for the company to maintain its core competitiveness. Employees must keep confidential the company's technical secrets, trade secrets, and other classified information.

Employees must respect the trade secrets and intellectual property rights of other companies, and are prohibited from disclosing or using confidential information obtained during employment with other companies.

The information technology distributed by the company to employees and the data stored or processed in the company's systems belong to the company's property. Employees should use information technology appropriately to prevent the company from falling into difficulties or being held legally responsible. Employees shall not intentionally infringe upon or improperly use third-party intellectual property, trade secrets, or other confidential information in any other way. During the employment period, employees must comply with all written or unwritten confidentiality rules and policies, and fulfill the confidentiality obligations and responsibilities applicable to themselves. Except for fulfilling responsibilities related to their position, employees should not disclose, publish or publish trade secrets or other confidential business information of the company, nor use confidential information outside of their duties without prior approval from the company.

11. Anti fraud behavior

The company regards the potential job fraud caused by employee moral hazard as an important aspect of fraud risk management, advocates a culture of integrity, improves personnel selection and on-the-job performance inspection mechanisms, clarifies job responsibilities, and establishes internal control and supervision measures.

The company incorporates fraud risk management into its internal audit scope. The audit department should regularly review and evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the fraud risk management system, and report the evaluation results to the company. Audit work should cover all aspects of fraud risk management, including but not limited to the following:

(1) Whether the management system, internal control system, and implementation procedures are sufficient to identify, measure, monitor, and control fraud risks;

(2) Is the information system for fraud risk management complete;

(3) Whether the fraud risk management report is accurate, timely, and effective;

(4) Whether relevant institutions, departments, and personnel strictly adhere to established fraud risk management policies and procedures.

12. Anti unfair competition behavior

In daily operations, the company adheres to fair competition, opposes unfair competition behavior, and safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of the company, suppliers, and customers. We adhere to the principles of voluntariness, equality, fairness, and integrity, and abide by recognized business ethics. We conscientiously abide by the Anti Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China. Employees involved in planning, operation, pricing, sales, procurement, or production should pay special attention. Chatting with competitors or business partners involving unfair competition may result in serious penalties or even criminal prosecution for employees and the company. Relevant competition and antitrust laws must be kept in mind.